The Last Loopers

We started this Great Loop trip relatively late. Just taking care of business at home, but we left as soon as we could. So far, the number of other loopers we’ve seen we can count on our thumbs. Heck! We’re not even seeing a lot of boats. But it’s okay with us. We like it that way.

Lonely Ginger Lee.

It’s getting late in the season, and all the walls, docks, and marinas are pretty much empty. How often have you gone into a marina and they ask you where you prefer to dock? It just doesn’t happen.
“A quiet spot,” is my standard answer. “We like our privacy.”
“No problem. Put it anywhere you want. You’re our only guest.”

Far out on the end slip.

We got held up by the weather in a few places. In Ohio it was Geneva and Cleveland, in Michigan it was Muskegon and New Buffalo. All lovely places, but we probably wouldn’t have stayed so long but for the marine conditions. We just don’t cruise in big waves. So this is our trip, such as it is.

Empty marina.


The only guest.

We always dock bow in. It’s more private and the view is usually better.

Bow in.

New Buffalo, MI. The only boat.

Are we the last loopers for the season? I don’t know for sure–someone has to bring up the rear– I only know that I like it.


5 thoughts on “The Last Loopers

  1. Rick, your timing is not so bad. a few days to Chicago then down the River. You could be in St Louis in a week. The storm is holding everyone up a week south of St Louis. Weather is good. Your timing is perfect! If you need anything, let me know. I Live in Chicago and can get it to you on the way through. Evan Chiligiris 630 452 1232

    • Thank you Evan for the support. We made it to Chicago! We’re at DuSable. Apparently, there is the Chicago Marathon going on tomorrow (10/8/17) so there is a gazillion people in town.

  2. Rick: Are you taking the Mississippi or bypass to Mobile route? Both look interesting but the Mississippi could be rough….

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